Does God Exist?
“Is there a God?” is one of the most fundamental questions we humans ask ourselves. Every person that has ever lived regardless of culture has asked this question. Billions of people have answered a resounding yes based on faith alone
There are many gods among many cultures but the God to whom this question applies is Elohim. In Hebrew it simply means “God,” the God of the Jews and the Christians, the father of Jesus Christ all described in the Bible. He is the great “I am” the only God. The Bible itself is evidence for the existence of God but what evidence other than the Bible tells us God exists? Such evidence might be instrumental in reaching a non-believer or enriching the faith of a believer.
With the evidence that can be seen all around us it seems as though God is shouting, “Hey, I exist. Just look around and take the evidence in! But take a close look. I not only exist I have done some wonderful things just for you, so that you can live your life on earth and then live with me forever.”
The non-biblical evidence that points to God is presented by three arguments. They are the cosmological, teleological, and anthropic arguments. What is interesting about these is that they are science and evidence based, an area many Christians think is in opposition to the Bible.
The Cosmological Argument- This argument has its origin as far back as the middle ages. It has been bolstered in recent times from what we know scientifically about creation. The argument is that because the universe came from nothing and continues to expand it had to have a beginning. This means creation had to have a beginner or creator as a causative agent. Christians and Jews call that creator God. Many atheist and agnostic scientists recognize that there was a causative agent but will not accept that agent as God.
The Bible and science agree that a beginning requires a beginner.
The first words of the Bible, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” say creation had a beginning. Science based on mathematic theory and modeling backed up by astronomical observations, explains that creation, including the universe and all space and time had a beginning and began from a single point of infinite energy billions of years ago and continues to expand. This is known as the Big Bang Theory.
The Teleological Argument- This argument is also known as the Intelligent Design argument. Evidence from scientific research has demonstrated the existence of precise and complex processes found in biological cells that fulfill very specific purposes. Such processes seem to operate on information and sometimes preprogrammed information. Because information only comes by way of intelligence the term Intelligent Design describes such processes. An example of such a process is the genetic code. For more on Intelligent Design see the blog by that title.
The Anthropic Principle-This argument states that the earth and the universe have just the right conditions to support human life on earth. Evidence for this principle come from the field of physics where it has been observed that a set of physical parameters are of such precision that the slightest variation would make it impossible for life to exist on earth.
There are more than 100 physical constants that are essential to making earth a habitable planet for man. The slightest deviation for any of them would result in no life. This is also known as “fine tuning”.
Despite an intense search for other planets, solar systems and galaxies there have been no other bodies in the universe uncovered that have the correct parameters to support life, as we know it.
Conclusion- Collectively, these arguments constitute a body of information that point to a beginner, a programmer, an intelligence and creator that is behind the existence of the universe and earth, the habitable nature of planet earth and life processes on earth. As massive as the scientific data is it does not offer absolute proof. Belief and faith are still required as it should be.
For many believers the absence of scientific evidence did not deter their faith in God’s existence. The great body of evidence today narrows the gap between pure faith and proof. This adds confidence to the believer to share the faith and should also result in a new boldness in contending for the faith.
For the non-believer the science coupled with what the Bible says about God being the cause, the biblical narrative becomes more acceptable with a step of faith. Thus acceptance of the evidence is a critical first step towards belief. It is a step that otherwise might not have been taken toward except for the evidence. Let’s pray the second step may become as Jesus said “”Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” Jn. 14:1 (NIV)
*You are referred to the works of Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe for a more complete explanation of the collective arguments and science leading to a specially designed planet to be inhabited by us. (Hugh Ross, Improbable Planet, How Earth Became Humanity’s Home, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 2016.)