Before Creation
Have you ever thought about what was before creation? The question itself is a little confusing because using the word “before” can imply time. One cannot use time to describe pre-creation because time came into being at creation along with space and matter.
This will be better understood in later posts. However, the Bible gives us great, even eternal, insights into precreation and we need to pay attention to them.
Consider the opening sentence of the Bible, “In the beginning God created…”. God was before pre-creation. When Moses asked God to tell him who was sending him into Egypt to rescue the Isrealites from slavery, God said “Tell them “I Am” sent you”. (Exodus 3:14) Jesus later said that “before Abraham was “I Am”. (John 8:58)
No one has ever referred to as them self “I am” mainly because they are not “I Am”. They have a name that defines them in this space and time. God is not defined by space and time. Collectively these verses state that as the creator God was before the beginning of time, has always existed, does exist and will continue to exist because He is “I Am”.
So why does this matter? What was God doing during pre-creation? He was planning the creation and that included you. Ephesians 1: 4-6 says it plainly “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-to the praise of his glorious grace which he has given us in the one he loves.” Now read that as many times as it takes to grasp the meaning. You do not want to miss its meaning.
The scripture reminds us that before the creation God had determined that we be found holy and blameless in his sight to the point of being recognized as his sons along with Jesus by accepting Jesus. This is necessary because we must be found holy and blameless in order to live with him in eternity after we die. Because God is love and good he is the antithesis of hate and evil. He cannot have evil in his presence. Jesus makes that possible.
In closing pray the above scripture this way. “For you chose me in you before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in your sight. In love you predestined me to be adopted as your son through Jesus Christ, in accordance with your pleasure and will-to the praise of your glorious grace that you gave us through Jesus.”
The purpose of creation was to find you holy and blameless in his sight.