To Know With Certainty



There is a cultural and educational war for the minds of Christian and non-Christian young people. The battle is intellectually based and threatens to destroy their faith, weaken the church and the very foundations that made America. To Know With Certainty is in response to that war. It is a first step in fighting back. It is directed at graduating high school kids and to parents concerned about not being able to counter intellectually those with opposing worldviews who do not know with certainty but would ridicule and scorn the Christian faith. Ignorance is at the root of the inability to defend or contend for the faith intellectually.
To Know with Certainty addresses Apologetics, Church History, and The Convergence of Science and Biblical Truth. You will: Know the evidence for the existence of God; the evidence for Jesus; his life, death, and resurrection; the evidence for the authenticity and reliability of the Bible; the historical evidence for the role that the church played in Western Civilization and the making of America; the evidence supporting naturalism and the Theory of Evolution versus the cosmological and scientific evidence that supports God as the creator of the heavens and the earth and man; Know God’s precreation plan and purpose. Most importantly, know that you can confidently be an effective witness for Jesus Christ and change the world armed with this evidence.

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